Communities wishing to host an umpire clinic are to contact Aaron Roberts and fill out and submit an umpire clinic request form.
***CLICK HERE*** Baseball Sask Umpire Clinic Request Form
Host is responsible for securing a suitable location for the clinic.
Level I – $300 base fee to Community to host clinic
*No experience required
*Must take both 1.1 and 1.2 components to be recognized as Level 1 Fully Certified
*If registered in 2014, then grandfathered and recognized as Level 1 Fully Certified (However, must attend a clinic annually to remain certified)
*Eligible to officiate regional minor ball and in 2015 and 2016 a Fully Certified Level 1 umpire will be eligible to umpire Provincial Championships with no Post-Provincial Play
*Cost for Umpire to attend – $30
Level II – $300 base fee to Community to host clinic
*Must be Level 1 Fully Certified (either grandfathered or taken Level 1.1 and 1.2) for a minimum of 1 year
*Must attend a Level II clinic
*Eligible to officiate local and provincial minor ball including Provincial Championships and Post-Provincial Play
*May be randomly evaluated
*Cost for Umpire to attend – $30
Level III (Only held once every 3 years)
*Must be Level 2 Fully Certified (either grandfathered or taken Level 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3) for a minimum of 1 year
*In 2015 and 2016 must register online and write Level 3 Exam and obtain 80% or more on exam
*Must attend 2017 Umpire Super Clinic
*Eligible to officiate all provincial baseball. Must be at least 18 years of age during current year to officiate at the major level. Eligible for Western Canadian competition.
*Must pass two on-field evaluations
*Cost $100.00 annually including Super Clinic year
Level IV
*Must be Fully Level 3 Certified (either grandfathered or taken Level 3) for one full year, and have officiated for a minimum of 5 years
*Must attend a Level IV clinic
*Must obtain 86% or more on exam
*Eligible to officiate national championships. Must be at least 18 years of age during current year to officiate at this level.
*Must pass two on-field evaluations (1 plate, 1 base) to maintain Level IV, with passing grade of 86% or more
*Cost TBA Annually
Level V
*Same as Level IV, but must have participated in at least two minor national championships (Pee Wee, Bantam, Midget) and at least one major national championship (Selects, Junior, Senior and Canada Games) to be Level V “AA”, and had at least one international assignment to be Level V “AAA”
NOTE: Affiliate Members are given an additional 50% surcharge on all of the above costs