Zone Maps & Transfer Requests

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Provincial Zone Map

Baseball Field

If you are looking to see the Zone Boundaries in trying to form a Provincial Team or just want to know what Zone you are in, please click on the link below:

NOTE: Baseball Sask only recognizes 8 Zones in the province. All communities located north of Zone 8 are recognized as Zone 8 members.

Provincial Zone Map

Out of Zone Transfer Requests

Please be advised that if you are looking at potentially transferring zones to play baseball on an annual basis, you will be required to fill out a Zone Transfer Request Form EACH YEAR.

New Zone Transfer Rule for 18U AAA and 15U AAA

All 18U AAA and 15U AAA players looking to apply for a Zone Transfer must adhere to the following criteria prior to being eligible to do so:

  • If there is a AAA team within 100 KM in the players principle Zone of Residence (based on the Baseball Sask 8 zones recognized), those players need to play there or get signoff/approval from the President with consultation of the Head Coach of that Minor Ball Club in order to be eligible to apply for an Out of Zone Transfer to be reviewed.
  • If there is not a  AAA team within 100 KM in the players principle Zone of Residence (based on the Baseball Sask 8 zones recognized), they would then be eligible to apply for an Out of Zone Transfer to be reviewed.
  • All Zone Transfer Applications will be reviewed by the Baseball Sask Zone Transfer Committee in consultation with any/all Baseball Sask Zone Governors involved.
  • The distance in determining a players travel will be by using Google Maps (no longer by drawing a straight line “as the crow flies”).
  • The Zone Transfer Committee reserves the right to consider special circumstances in making their final decision on all Zone Transfer Requests.
  • The decision made by the Zone Transfer Committee is to be FINAL and is not open to any type of appeal process.

The following is the Step by Step process to apply for an Out of Zone Transfer:

NOTE: Any Zone Transfers submitted after April 20th MUST include a $100 LATE FEE (Non-Refundable) in order for your request to be reviewed!!!

  1. SCAN and E-MAIL the completed form to your originating Zone Governor and the Executive Director.
  2. The Executive Director will then forward to the Zone Transfer Committee and all Zones involved.
  3. The Zone Transfer Committee will review all requests and reply back to you whether they approve or deny the request.
  4. For 15U AAA and 18U AAA, if a ZTR is received prior, the Zone Transfer Committee will make a ruling around January 15th of the upcoming baseball season.
  5. All other (not including 15U AAA and 18U AAA) Zone Transfer requests will not be reviewed by the Zone Transfer Committee until early May as we will determine what communities have baseball around your area prior to granting approval.
  6. All Zone Transfer Requests (other than 15U AAA and 18U AAA) for 11U, 13U, 15U and 18U (Zone Transfers are not reviewed for Rally Cap Division) must be submitted no later than April 20th.  If a Zone Transfer Request is made after this date, it must be accompanied by a $100 NON-REFUNDABLE late Zone Transfer Request fee.
  7. Senior Division Provincial Championships are Open and all teams are Ranked and no longer require Zone Transfers.
  8. NOTE: Should any of this information prove to be falsified and an address of convenience is being used, that may AUTOMATICALLY be cause for a DENIAL of the Zone Transfer Request with no Appeal.
  9. Regina and Saskatoon are mandated to provide Baseball Sask with the list of ALL players that have been registered and/or drafted to 18U AAA Teams. The deadline for this will be November 15theach year for teams playing the next season.

NOTE: The link below is a fillable form that you need to TYPE out. The only area that is to use handwriting is the signature of the Minor Ball President that you are getting a local release from after they also consult with their local Head Coach.


2024 Zone Transfer Request Form (Fillable)

In-Zone Transfer Requests

Please be advised that if you are looking at potentially transferring communities within your Zone to play baseball on an annual basis, you will be required to fill out a In-Zone Transfer Request Form EACH YEAR.

The following is the Step by Step process to apply for an In-Zone Transfer:

  1. SCAN and E-MAIL that completed form to your originating Zone Governor and the Executive Director.
  2. The Executive Director will then forward to the Zone Transfer Committee should there be an issue.
  3. The Zone Transfer Committee will review all requests and reply back to you whether they approve or deny the request.
  4. NOTE: In-Zone Transfer requests will not be reviewed by the Zone Transfer Committee until early May as we will determine what communities have baseball around your area prior to granting approval.
  5. All In-Zone Transfer Requests for 11U, 13U, 15U and 18U must be submitted no later than May 30th.

2024 In-Zone Player Release Application Form (Fillable)