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It’s that time of year again for our annual blowout sale!

Act quickly as sizes won’t last.

Please note that shipping may be delayed based on the current Canada Post strike. Local pickup may be your best option.

On Saturday, October 19th, Baseball Sask held our Annual General Meeting in Regina at the DoubleTree by Hilton.

At this meeting, we elected in a new President and Vice-President.

Regan L’Heureux (Unity)  is our new President, who was elected to a 2-year term.

Shawn Klisowsky (Martensville) was elected as Vice-President to a 2-year term.

Terry Butler (Saskatoon) will now serve as Past President for a 2-year term.

Also elected as new Zone Governors were Charlie Meacher (Moose Jaw) in Zone 3, Jennifer Salzsauler (Saskatoon) in Zone 6 and Jamie Capner (Shellbrook) in Zone 8.

Blaine Kovach (Estevan) was also appointed as Co-Commissioner to serve alongside Ken Ready (Regina).

With this, we had 3 long-time volunteers step down at the end of the 2024 season. Jack Cameron (Maple Creek) as Zone 3 Governor, Glenn McRae (Nipawin) as Zone 8 Governor and Ken Hamilton (Assiniboia) as Co-Commissioner. We want to thank each of these amazing volunteers for all of their hard work over the years in making the sport of baseball in Saskatchewan much better. We wish you all the best in your futures. You will all be missed.

Annual Award Winners

We would also like to recognize the following Annual Award winners as well who all had tremendous seasons.

Please note that the 2024 Baseball Sask Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday, October 19 in Regina at the DoubleTree by Hilton.

We will also be holding our Annual Awards Luncheon honoring our individual award winners as well as our 2024 Provincial Championship teams.

The schedule will be as follows and is open to all of our members:

9:00 AM – Round Table Hot Stove

12:00 PM – Annual Awards Luncheon

2:00 PM – Annual General Meeting

We look forward to seeing our members attend and help promote our great sport province wide!

Also, if you know of someone who is deserving of being nominated for our Annual Awards see link below for the Nomination Form:

NOTE: Deadline to nominate is Thursday, September 26th. 

2024 Annual Awards Nomination Form

Attention Coaches & Team Sask Alumni,

Baseball Sask is currently recruiting Coaches for the 13U Team Sask Development program for the 2024 season.

The 13U Team Sask program will no longer be sending a team to Baseball Canada Nationals. Instead, our focus will be to select a larger group of the top players in the province that will attend a skill development camp and play games at home in Sask with the top players and coaches from around the province.

The time commitment from coaches will be to run 2-3 ID camps around the province during the season in May/June/July that will be open to all 13U players in the province. Following the ID Camps, the Top 40-50 players will be selected to attend the final camp in Saskatoon on August 22-25. Coaches that are interested must be available to attend the final camp in Saskatoon on August 22-25. Dates for ID Camps are TBD and can be adjusted to fit coaches schedule.

All Coaches that participate in the 13U program will receive training towards NCCP certification and evaluations. If you are Team Sask alumni and interested in getting involved in coaching this is a perfect opportunity to gain experience and NCCP certification to begin your coaching pathway.

Please contact Nolan Bracken ( or Greg Brons ( for more information and to submit your coaching resume.

Thank You

























Would you like to host a 2024 Baseball Sask Provincial Championship in your community?

Now is your chance to submit a Bid to Host.

**Preference will be given to communities that also host Umpire Clinics and have adequate certified umpires in the area.

For more details, please see links below:

Bid to Host Form

Provincial Host Site Package

Bids to Host can be forwarded for Mike Ramage